
Jiangyin tong sheng machinery co., LTD.<br>Jiangyin Kaijiasheng Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
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Jiangyin tong sheng machinery co., LTD.
Jiangyin Kaijiasheng Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Add: 83 umbrella block east road ZhouZhuangZhen ,jiangyin
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Chemical fiber equipment: a huge space for development

?????? With the textile industry technology progress "ten new sets of key equipment and technology research and industrialization" as the focus, the development of new products, textile machinery, the prospect is very broad. Because the "ten" set is a class, each of which is a series of products, can increase the vertical, horizontal extension. Seize the ten sets of this class, you can develop a lot of textile machinery products.
?????? Around the fiber production technology, tissue development and production of various kinds of fiber production machinery products, is an important task. Here said the fiber production machinery, mainly refers to the chemical fiber production machinery. On the one hand, need to continue to improve the quality of the traditional chemical fiber production of mechanical products, improve the technological level, improve the reliability; on the other hand to new application in the fiber tracking, for the development of civil comfortable type fibers, industrial fiber and the military and police fiber production to provide technical equipment.
?????? Traditional chemical fiber production increased more quickly, and new chemical fiber production technology and equipment is still relatively backward, so to close combination of the functional, deformation, modified fiber production, shaped, fine, super fine denier fiber production, anti-static, anti far infrared, anti radiation and anti-bacterial, flame retardant etc. new fiber production, combined with the technology to the development of appropriate technology and equipment. Technology, equipment, software and hardware development are complementary and inseparable.
?????? Nonwoven industry has developed rapidly, machinery and equipment in this field have larger development space; military and police fiber production in China is almost just beginning, Swat, fire protection, high-grade fiber fabrics are dependent on imports, ceramic plate and Kevlar fibers made of bulletproof vest, can stop automatic weapons series bullets, shrapnel shells can stop, similar to these high-tech products require the development process of corresponding technical equipment; production of chemical fiber wastewater, waste gas, waste solution and additives are required to take measures to recycle and reuse, also needs the corresponding equipment; in addition, the leftover chemical products materials and waste silk and manufactured goods after recycling and regeneration, also need to study the new technology and equipment. With the continuous increase of chemical fiber varieties, the development of its equipment has broad space!

來源:      時間:2015-07-20 16:16:37